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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Connecting the Dots

Ever since America's return to ignorance via the 2010 Tea Party "Revolution," Republican-controlled, state legislatures across the country have been hard at work passing voter identification laws, which would disenfranchise the poor, people of color, and senior citizens under the pretext of eliminating voter fraud.

They are doing this despite the fact that every non-political investigation into the subject shows unequivocally that voter fraud is all but non-existant, occurring approximately 0.0009% if the time.

Because poor people and people of color tend to vote for Democrats more than for Republicans, it's fairly obvious why these laws are being fast-tracked prior to the November presidential election.

But why target seniors, a group which tends to be politically conservative and which votes in larger percentages than the rest of the populace?

The answer emerges when one connects the dots and recognizes that the Affordable Care Act is a potential game-changer in this year's presidential campaign.

The right-wing has sneeringly dubbed the act "Obamacare," as if it were carcinogenic, but seniors are embracing it as articles like the one below appear in senior newsletters nationwide explaining how it benefits them.

At the bill's signing ceremony, Joe Biden was right on target when he told President Obama, "This is a big f***king deal!"

In fact, it appears to be big enough to send Republican lawmakers into an apoplectic frenzy, working overtime to deny Americans their voting rights.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Banner Moments in Prevarication

Mission Impossible 2012

On the left, George W. Bush on May 1, 2003, standing in front of a large banner emblazoned with the lie he has just told about the supposed end of the illegal Iraq war, which he started with a series of lies about WMDs, mushroom clouds, and failed attempts at peaceful resolution to a non-existent problem.

On the far right, Willard "Mitt" R-MONEY on April, 19, 2012, continuing W's lying legacy at a factory in Loraine, Ohio, which closed during the Bush presidency, but which he insists is proof of President Obama's failure.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to take the time to learn the facts before you vote for another serial liar in November.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Gospel According to Bishops (a Mark Fiore Political Animation)

Mark Fiore has a knack for sifting through the chaff and finding kernels of truth which he shares in animated form.

Self-Esteem Revisited

Today's Doonesbury comic strip precisely describes why, whenever I'm asked if I miss teaching, I say that I missed teaching the last five years that I taught. ;-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

GOP Veepstakes

Gotta Love It!
...and don't rule out Sarah Palin. She has all the warmth, cling, and intelligence of fresh dryer lint, plus she's actually been through the wash/rinse/dry presidential campaign cycle.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

N.J. Governor Chris Christie, A Not-So-Smart-ALEC

Ever wonder just how far the the GOP is willing to go in its effort to thwart President Obama?

How about a bought-and-paid-for governor deliberately undermining his state's economy as well as the economy of the entire northeast corridor of the nation?

That, my friends, is exactly what N.J. Governor Chris Christie has done; and for his efforts, he's become a "rising star" in the Republican party.

Check out his ALEC-written legislative efforts:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Upper Reaches Of The Law

Link to source

* * *

What's more, there's a good chance he'll find Justice Scalia's head in there.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Supreme Flip-Flop

Remember back in 2002 when George W. Bush's ultra-conservative Attorney General, John Ashcroft, spent $8,000 of your tax dollars to cover up two naked statues at the end of the Great Hall in the Justice Department?
Well, folks, those days are gone. Now the ultra-conservative majority of the Supreme Court has declared that you can be compelled to stand naked before the law no matter the circumstances under which you were taken into custody.
But that should not come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. After all, the Citizens United decision essentially stripped individual citizens of their rights and handed them over to corporations so they could cover their assets.
Check out Tom Toles on GoComics

 ·  · 10:44am (8 seconds ago) via Meebo

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Judicial Activism - "Compassionate Conservative" Edition
Unpaid parking tickets? That’s a strip search. And no leash on your doggie? That’s a strip search too. It might sound weird, and a wee bit terrifying, but that’s the verdict out of the United States Supreme Court this week.
 ·  ·  · 7:05am (3 hours ago) · 

    • Pat Denino Rachel Maddow reported on this last night. It is jaw dropping incredible how we are becoming such an increasingly callous, ignorant, and violent society.

    • George A. Denino 
      I do not see us becoming "an increasingly callous, ignorant, and violent society." What I see it a reactionary Supreme Court legitimizing behavior which has occurred "discretely" (i.e. hidden from public scrutiny or justified as "necessary to maintain order") throughout our history wherever and whenever the powerful have felt the need to keep the powerless "in their place."
      Carrying water for the rich and powerful is nothing new for the Roberts court. The 5/4 decision it handed down in the Citizens United case accomplished the same end for influence pedaling.