Ever since America's return to ignorance via the 2010 Tea Party "Revolution," Republican-controlled, state legislatures across the country have been hard at work passing voter identification laws, which would disenfranchise the poor, people of color, and senior citizens under the pretext of eliminating voter fraud.
They are doing this despite the fact that every non-political investigation into the subject shows unequivocally that voter fraud is all but non-existant, occurring approximately 0.0009% if the time.
Because poor people and people of color tend to vote for Democrats more than for Republicans, it's fairly obvious why these laws are being fast-tracked prior to the November presidential election.
But why target seniors, a group which tends to be politically conservative and which votes in larger percentages than the rest of the populace?
The answer emerges when one connects the dots and recognizes that the Affordable Care Act is a potential game-changer in this year's presidential campaign.
The right-wing has sneeringly dubbed the act "Obamacare," as if it were carcinogenic, but seniors are embracing it as articles like the one below appear in senior newsletters nationwide explaining how it benefits them.
At the bill's signing ceremony, Joe Biden was right on target when he told President Obama, "This is a big f***king deal!"
In fact, it appears to be big enough to send Republican lawmakers into an apoplectic frenzy, working overtime to deny Americans their voting rights.

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