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Saturday, January 20, 2018

On the one year anniversary of the inauguration of the man who would be king…

Happy Birthday To Me

January 20 is my birthday.

When asked in the past about my birthday, it was my habit to proclaim, "They inaugurate presidents on my birthday."

I stopped saying that last year.

Now I can say, "They shut down the government for my birthday." 😎

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Don't Listen To What Republicans Say...

Pay attention to what they do.

For years the Republican party has claimed to revere law and order, hate activist judges, despise despots, and work for the middle class.

It turns out that those claims were bullshit, or as the image shows, bull elephant shit.

The self-declared, law-and-order Republicans are currently working in lock-step to undermine the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The posturing, activist-judge-hating Republicans have stolen a seat on the Supreme Court and are stacking federal courts with right-wing judges whose loyalties are not to the law but to the party and the fundamentalist christians who bankroll it.

The sycophantic, despot-despising Republicans support a president whose words and actions show unequivocally that he wishes to remake America into a dictatorship.

The duplicitous, work-for-the-middle-class Republicans have passed but one significant piece of legislation, a tax scam that funnels middle class wealth upward to the wealthiest Americans and tears at the social safety net intended to protect the future of the middle class and that of their children.

Despite all rhetoric to the contrary, the utterly transparent battle cry of today's Republican party has become LET US PREY!