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Saturday, June 23, 2018

In The Beginning: From Genesis to Trump

Starting with the first book of the Bible, one message is clear and unambiguous. People are to care for one another.

8And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
9And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? 10And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
–Genesis 4:8-10 (King James Bible)

It is equally clear that people who do not care for others will lie when confronted with their lack of compassion. They will even quote, misquote, or cherry-pick scripture passages in order to justify their actions.

Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is one such liar.

But when it comes to talking out of both sides of one's mouth while harming others, smiling, Bible-twisting. Mr. Sessions is a rank amateur compared to his boss.

In the past month Donald Trump:
  1. created a "zero tolerance" policy that denied refugees their legal right to petition for asylum and denied them entry at designated border crossing points. Those who then entered illegally were arrested and separated from their children.
  2. falsely blamed the Democrats for passing a law which he claimed was forcing him to do this, despite the fact that there is no such law, and the one law he cited was actually passed by a Republican Congress.
  3. sent over 2,300 children to detention facilities spread around the country with no plan (or intention, apparently) to reunite them with their families.
  4. said that only Congress could address the issue; but, in the face of mounting public pressure directed toward him, he issued an executive order which he said would stop family separation.
link to source

That order, like everything Trump says and does, is duplicitous. Yes, it will stop family separation, but it simply replaces one atrocity with another. Now America will detain whole families indefinitely with no plan to resolve the problem of their plight. And, of course, this executive order came after he had loudly proclaimed, "You can't do it by executive order."
    Like Cain in the beginning, Donald J. Trump is a liar who is not his brother's keeper, and America finds itself saddled with a president who needs a keeper.