Unions brought us the 40 hour work week as well as retirement at 60 with a pension. Education created a middle class capable of questioning the underpinnings of our social order.
"The reality of our economy" is that it was designed and works to benefit those with the most wealth by exploiting those with the least wealth.
Most people are familiar with the "buy low; sell high" principle. However, most people don't understand that the prime commodity bought and sold in our economic system using this principle is people, more specifically, the skills and labor of people. As a result, unions and education are threats to "the reality of our economy" for both give the people power to bargain for a better deal.
In America, the Republican party is dominated by the wealthiest among us. Is it any wonder that it has worked and continues working to destroy both unions and education?
To maintain the buy low; sell high basis behind the reality of our economy, Republicans introduce so-called "Right to Work" legislation, which guts the prime commodity's bargaining power under the pretext of protecting freedom of choice. To create a new, "separate but equal" education system designed to educate the well off and train the masses, they limit funding for public education and promote using tax revenue to support private and charter schools.
I believe this cartoon captures the Republican view of an ideally structured economy and makes the strongest possible argument for Americans to re-evaluate their worth in the reality of our economy and oppose those who treat them as a commodity to be exploited.