Led by the bloviating buffoon of bullshit, Rush Limbaugh, the Party of No keeps attacking President Obama's economic recovery initiative claiming that it will not, cannot, and must not work.
While that appears to be the unshakable belief of those who worship at the FOX/Limbaugh Church of the Perpetually Frightened and Ignorant, the data presented in the graph below suggest that the truth is not to be found in their catechism.
Consider the following as you examine the graph:
1. The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which regulated the banking industry for over sixty years occurred during the Clinton administration (1999); but the Republican'ts controlled both houses of Congress at the time.
2. The housing market bubble swelled and popped during the presidency of George W. Bush and another GOP dominated Congress.
3. And when did Barack Obama take office? Look way down there at the very rock bottom of the curve - January 2009 right where the rebound begins.