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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Morality Play

Below you'll find a poetic perspective
Which calls into question self-righteous invective
As bellowed by Rush and the GOP core
Against empathic judges like Sotomayor.

Of Ensign and Sanford they speak not a word;
For to censure their dalliance might cause discord.
So, thumping their Bibles, unread I dare say,
They safeguard the dream of the old KKK.

George A. Denino

Note: The article below is taken from the July 16, 2009 issue of Questions & Answers, a free email newsletter to which I subscribe. It is written by Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong. To sign up for the newsletter, click on the link above, scroll to the bottom of the web page to which your browser will take you, and submit your email address.

The Shady Ladies

Tad Evans, a retired Episcopal priest and the grandson of the well known and well remembered Walter Russell Bowie, sent the following verse that he attributes without certainty to English Bible scholar Michael Donald Goulder. One of my columns on "The Shady Ladies" of Matthew's genealogy inspired Tad to pass this along. I thought it too much fun to keep it to myself and so I run it today in place of the "Question and Answer" feature.

I hope you both enjoy it and that it sends you back to your Bibles to read Matthew 1:1-17 on which it is based and to check out his references to the Hebrew Scriptures.
– John Shelby Spong
Exceedingly odd is the means by which
God has directed our path to the heavenly shore.
Of the girls from whose line the true light was to shine,
There was one an adulteress, one was a whore.

There was Tamar who bore what we all should deplore:
A fine pair of twins to her father-in-law.

And Rahab, the harlot, her sins were as scarlet,
As red as the thread she hung from her door.
Yet alone of her nation she came to salvation,
And lived to be mother of Boaz of yore.

And he married Ruth, a Gentile uncouth,
In a manner quite counter to Biblical lore,

And from her there did spring blessed David, the king,
Who walked on his palace one morning and spied
The wife of Uriah from whom he did sire,
A baby who died, Oh and princes, a score.

And a mother, unmarried, it was, too, who carried,
God's son whom she laid in a cradle of straw,
That the moral might wait at the Heavenly Gate,
While sinners and publicans go in before,
Who have not earned their place, but received it by grace,
And have found them a righteousness, not of the law.

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