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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let's Be Perfectly Frank

Most folks will examine these images and think they're funny. Unfortunately, I know a bunch of people who won't see anything wrong with or funny about them.

How do I know?

I keep getting blindly forwarded, hate-and-fear-mongering email messages from folks just like the ones in the pictures below. Their messages suggest that when they were in school they slept through most of their classes, especially English and Social Studies.

The next thing you know, they'll be calling for a preemptive strike against China.

This woman appears to be a protesting against sex education.

So what is one to do when confronted by folks posing loaded questions which are as dishonest in their intent as asking "Have you stopped beating your wife and kids?"

On August 18, Rep. Barney Frank (D - Mass) showed how to deal with them:

Click here to read Steve Benen's Washington Monthly commentary on this event, which includes a transcript of the encounter.

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