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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Poor Baby

Rod Parsley says ministry threatened by lack of funds

The Rev. Rod Parsley, megapastor and televangelist, has issued a desperate plea for money, telling his flock that he is facing a "demonically inspired financial attack" that is threatening his ministry.

Click here to read the entire article from the December 16, 2009 Columbus Dispatch.


Of course, it could be that folks are finally waking up to the fact that Parsley is little more than a self-serving hypocrite who peddles fear and bigotry in the name of The Prince of Peace.

I haven't seen or heard a single word from him on behalf of the folks who have lost their jobs and homes as a result of the economic downturn. Apparently, his only concern is the financial threat it poses to his lucrative ministry.

He sees his reduced cash intake as "demonically inspired," but there has been no word of condemnation from him for those who engineered the financial debacle. According to Parsley, Satan, rather than a group of greedy bankers, is responsible for the economic crisis.

In the words of comedian Dana Carvey's Church Lady character, "How conveeeenient!"

After all, it's much easier to blame an invisible, supernatural entity for one's financial misfortunes than to admit to being joined at the hip to those who caused those misfortunes in the first place. It's also a very effective means of separating one's followers from what little money they have left after the American financial cartel's recent redistribution of wealth initiative.

If you're asking why anyone would write such words about a "man of God," I offer an explanation from yet another comedic character, Flip Wilson's Reverend Leroy:

The Devil made me do it.

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