As you watch the video below, note how FOX reporter Chris Wallace attempts to frame the subject of Judge Vaughn Walker's recent Proposition 8 ruling as controversial with leading questions dripping with unsupported opinion. Note also how Ted Olsen sticks to the subject, backs up his statements, and refuses to grant Wallace's diversions the status of fact, let alone credibility.
Near the four minute mark of the video, Wallace asks Olsen to define judicial activism and reminds him that he has opposed it in the past. This is an obvious setup designed to tag the Proposition 8 ruling with a favorite right-wing epithet.
In response, Olsen begins, "Well, most people use the term judicial activism to explain decisions that they don't like," and Wallace gleefully interrupts him, saying, "Exactly!"
To Wallace's interruption, however, Olsen says, "I'm sorry if I interrupted you." He then continues to explain the difference between judicial activism and judicial responsibility. His response decimates the credibility of any attempt on the part of Wallace to portray Judge Vaughn Walker's decision as judicial activism. It also lays the foundation for refuting any future attempts to do so by others who oppose the decision on those specious grounds.
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