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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Give me an R! (or not)

Today's Deep Cover comic captures the essence of what the Republicans have learned from  the results of the November 6 election.

Having spent over thirty years framing every political issue with carefully crafted rhetoric to mask a socially regressive agenda, and successfully bamboozling a great deal of the voting public in the process, the leaders of the Republican party have themselves fallen victim to the ruse.

They appear to have swallowed the poisonous, FOX-Limbaugh Kool-Aid and now believe that altering their rhetoric is all they must do to become relevant in national elections once again.

At the national level, this is good news for those who prefer progressive policies to hide-bound tradition. Unfortunately, gerrymandered districts will continue to ensure the election of politicians who are by-and-large social troglodytes for years to come.

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