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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Choosing Knowledge Over Ignorance

The worship of ignorance as a virtue has led to the current state of gridlock in D.C.

As proof of that observation, I offer two items for your consideration:
  1. the chasm between reality and the Tea Party's fraudulent claim that President Obama is a foreign, Muslim, communist
  2. the fact that people holding those ridiculous beliefs now dictate the agenda of the majority party in the House of representatives.
The only antidote to the such mind-numbing venom is knowledge.

Whether you like, dislike, agree or disagree with, Barack Obama, he's the President; and it's your responsibility as a citizen to be informed about, not ignorant of, what is required of the person who occupies the Oval Office and the effect it has on his/her family.

Take the time to read these two excellent articles.

1. David Gergen's analysis of President Obama's second inaugural address:

2. Jodi Kantor's commentary on the effect of the past four years on the Obamas:

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