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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sunday Funnies 151108

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is faith and ...:

faith and begorrah: This is a kind of amalgam of two phrases originating in this transition period.
The first one was used to precede some strong assertion and would have translated as something like 'By my Faith..' (meaning, by my Christian religion). The second part ('Begorrah') probably originated as follows: being reluctant to say 'By God..' , the common people said something like 'by Gor' , pronouncing it 'Be Gor' , which in time became 'Begorrah'.

faith and blarney: This is a newly minted expression (I just made it up today.) that expresses the thread of content which led me to include the following comics and cartoons this edition of Sunday Funnies.


1. Faith In Technology

2. Faith In The Electorate

3. Notable Faith Factoid

4. A Weighty Religious Conundrum

5. Striking A Balance Between Faith And Good Works

6. What's In Your Wallet?

7. Blind Faith - A Political Pipe Dream

8. Venial Vulgate Or Veritable Vernacular?

9. A Long Time Ago In An Administration Far, Far Away

10. Faith Healer

Keep The Faith, Baby! - Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

Those who remember Powell's penchant for playing fast and loose with facts about his ancestry will understand the connection.

11. A Confession, Faithful Reader...

This last comic shows why I almost didn't publish a Sunday Funnies this week. So many of the comics, cartoons, and editorial images that came my way were about the antics and stupidity of the GOP presidential wannabes, and I didn't want to keep beating a deceased equine quadruped. However, I didn't want to break faith with you, so I decided to poke fun at a sacred cow instead.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Funnies 151101

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is You don't say!

1. What She Said (a seasonal comment)

2. The Facts Speak For Themselves

3. Egotistically Id-iotic Blather

4. You were perhaps expecting Vivaldi?

5. The Unspoken Truth - Spoken

6. Scott Free Speech

7. Brains! They need brains!

8. EAT MOR CHIKIN! (or beef, or turkey, or veggies, or...)

9. Homonymphobia

10. They do say. Unfortunately, people who should know better are listening.

11. They Shouldn't Have Said

Link to Source

12. ...and then there was silence.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Funnies 151025

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is the elephant in the room. In fact it's an entire herd of elephants and the damage they're doing to America.

"Elephant in the room" or "Elephant in the living room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.[2]

It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook.











Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday Funnies 151018

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is truth:

truth |troōθ|
noun ( pl. truths |troōðz; troōθs|)
the quality or state of being true : he had to accept the truth of her accusation.
   • (also the truth) that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality : tell me the truth | she found           out the truth about him.
   • a fact or belief that is accepted as true : the emergence of scientific truths | the fundamental truths           about mankind.

in truth really; in fact : in truth, she was more than a little unhappy.
of a truth archaic certainly : of a truth, such things used to happen.
to tell the truth (or truth to tell or if truth be told) to be frank (used esp. when making an admission or when expressing an unwelcome or controversial opinion) : I think, if truth be told, we were all a little afraid of him.
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth used to emphasize the absolute veracity of a statement. [ORIGIN: part of a statement sworn by witnesses in court.]

ORIGIN Old English trīewth, trēowth [faithfulness, constancy].

1. Unquestionably True (see gullibility)

2. Systematic Truth

3. The Honest Truth

4. Inconvenient Truth

5. Apologetic Truth

6. Rebranding Truth (see GOP strategy to attract voters)

7. Truth As Collateral Damage (see CYA)

8. You can't handle the truth!

9. Killing The Truth - Oh, really? No. O'Reilly.

10. The Stinking Truth

11. What is truth? (John 18:38) - A Pilate Project

Link to Source

12. Southern Pride Truth

13. Supply-Side Economics Truth

14. The Naked Truth

15. Ain't it the truth?

16. If Truth Be Told

This Dan Piraro cartoon is not from the past week, the past monty, or even the past year. It dates all the way back to October 29, 2004, just prior to election day. I can think of nothing that better illustrates the truth behind the rhetoric of every one of this year's Republican presidential wannabes.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday Funnies 151011

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is for the birds:

(strictly) for the birds informal not worth consideration; unimportant : this piece of legislation is for the birds.

This week my mission is to prove that talk is cheep. (No, that's not a typo. It's a pun. Get used to it.)

In a migration from past droppings, I've taken a flyer and added links to audio and video files. I hope they take wing and transport you to greater heights of enjoyment.

1. Honk if you love Tennessee Ernie Ford.

Click to listen to him sing Cry Of The Wild Goose.

2. Foul or fowl? Either way, it's avian money you'll find a pun or two in this one.

Click to watch The Race To The Opera scene from the 1978 movie Foul Play.

3. Cockscombover

Click to listen to Bagatelle sing the 1981 song, Trump Card. Don't worry if you can't understand the lyrics. They don't make any more sense than what The Donald has to say on any subject.

4. The details are all in his bill.

Speaking of space, click to watch and listen to Peter Schilling's Major Tom in English and in German. 

5. But when the early bird is a chicken...

Click to enjoy E.C. Ball singing The Early Bird Always gets The Worm (1976).

6. Lyre (or is that Liar) Bird

Click to watch The Castaways singing their 1965 hit Liar, Liar. Note that the woman dancing in front of the boy band is every bit as superfluous to their performance as Carly Fiorina's candidacy is to electoral reality.

7. Jailbirds (formerly Railbirds)

Click here to watch a cockatoo break out of a locked cage.

8. Eagle Droppings

Click to listen to Requiem - Collateral Damage. It's not a pretty song; but then, there's nothing pretty about bombing a hospital. This is what happens when dumb people are put in charge of dropping smart bombs.

9. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

Click to read Sympathy by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the poem from which this item's title comes. This line from Sympathy also serves as the title of Maya Angelou's autobiography .

10. Blog Bird

Click here to watch Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in the 1962 movie version of Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. In this clip Atticus tells the jury that in America the courts are the great levelers where all men are created equal.
If you have not read the book or seen the movie, I suggest that you do so. It will help you understand the mid set of both sides in the current brouhaha over the Black Lives Matter movement and discover why those on the right are wrong in their condemnation of the movement.