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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170730 Questionable

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is questionable.

questionableadjectivethe premise to the argument remains questionablecontroversialcontentiousdoubtfuldubiousuncertaindebatablearguableunverifiedunprovableunresolvedunconvincingimplausibleimprobableborderlinemarginalmootinformal iffy. ANTONYMS  indisputablecertain.questionable financial dealingssuspicioussuspectdubiousirregularoddstrangemurkydarkunsavorydisreputableinformal funnyfishyshadyiffy. ANTONYMS  trustworthy.
1. Is that why he voted for Trump?

2. Would you call this canned laughter?

3. Ya think?

4. You want the truth?

5. Could this be a confession made through pursed lips?

6. Is this hole-y inappropriate?

7. What's your point?

8. Say, Ernie, was that our Congressman?

9. What does recursive mean?

10. …and a twofer: Do you still believe them? If so, why?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170723 Failure to Communicate

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is failure to communicate.

In today'e Sunday Funnies we explore the communication gap Americans have and discover that it's between their ears.

communication |kəˌmyo͞onəˈkāSH(ə)nnounthe imparting or exchanging of information or news: direct communication between the two countries will produce greater understanding | at the moment I am in communication with London.• a letter or message containing information or news.• the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings: there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents.• social contact: she gave him some hope of her return, or at least of their future communication.(communicationsmeans of connection between people or placesin particular:• the means of sending or receiving informationsuch as telephone lines or computers: satellite communications | [as modifier:  a communications network.• the means of traveling or of transporting goodssuch as roads or railroads: a city providing excellent road and rail communications.• [treated as singularthe field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means.
1.  Dialog: Republicans and People in Need

2. The Importance of Audience Identification

3. Meaning Lost in Translation

4. Definition of Terms

5. The Old Flimflam (Rebranding Without Changing A Damned Thing)

6. New And Improved (see previous item)

7. Internal Dialog

8. Shakespearean Farce: What's in a name? That which they called treason by any other name would smell much sweeter than anything coming from the oral orifice in the White House.

9. Talking to folks who vote against their own best interests by voting Republican is exactly like this.

10. Houston Control, We Have Cognition!

11. Communication Failure Carved In Stone

12. Message Sent, Received, and Misinterpreted 

13. Accurate Communication? Do you really think Americans addicted to "Reality TV" would choose that over tweets coming from the top of the dung heap?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170716 Pity The Fool

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is Pity the fool!

Pity the fool! was the signature catchphrase of actor and former pro wrestler, Mr. T (Lawrence Tureaud).

Let's use the phrase this week to catch some fools to pity, but, be warned. I don't have much pity for fools who believe form is more importance than substance and who deny verified evidence that contradicts their cherished myths.

1. MAGA True Believers

2. The "To Die For" Sports Fanatic

3. The Loyal Corporate Drone

4. The Narcissist

5. The NRA Apologist

6. Folks who think definitions are arbitrary...

7. The De Vos Educated Valedictorian

8. Debasement in De Board Room

9. The Fox "News" Viewer

10. The Bag Man (It's amazing how much he looks like Paul Ryan.)

11. The Depressed Media

12. Talking Heads "Covering" The Trump Administration

13. Anyone Who Works For Trump

14. Anyone Who Believes Trump

Monday, July 10, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170709 Clueless in America

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is clueless.

Clueless is as clueless does. I'm posting this week's Sunday Funnies on Monday. They've been thrown together in a hurry with only the barest hint of adherence to the stated theme.


1. Hot Summer Romance

2. Bathroom Humor

3. The Sensitive Man

4. Money Matters

5. Ivanka and Donald

6. If the shoe fits...

7. …try on a pair from the Orient. 😎

8. Corporate Welfare

9. This Just In...

10. Foreign Relations

11. Marketing and Rebranding

12. For Clueless Americans (You know who you are.)

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170702 Sex, Lies, & Tapes

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is Sex, Lies, & Tapes.

1. Sex



2. More Sex

More Lies

More Tapes

3. Still More Sex

And More Lies

And More Tapes

4. Sex and Lies

Sexy Lies

Sticky Tapes (the GOP's Social Safety Net)

Link to Source

5. The Hell with sex and tapes! Let's stick with the lies.

Abettor Liar

Whiteout White House Lies

A Qualified Lie from A Qualified Liar

6. Would that it were a lie...