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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170730 Questionable

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is questionable.

questionableadjectivethe premise to the argument remains questionablecontroversialcontentiousdoubtfuldubiousuncertaindebatablearguableunverifiedunprovableunresolvedunconvincingimplausibleimprobableborderlinemarginalmootinformal iffy. ANTONYMS  indisputablecertain.questionable financial dealingssuspicioussuspectdubiousirregularoddstrangemurkydarkunsavorydisreputableinformal funnyfishyshadyiffy. ANTONYMS  trustworthy.
1. Is that why he voted for Trump?

2. Would you call this canned laughter?

3. Ya think?

4. You want the truth?

5. Could this be a confession made through pursed lips?

6. Is this hole-y inappropriate?

7. What's your point?

8. Say, Ernie, was that our Congressman?

9. What does recursive mean?

10. …and a twofer: Do you still believe them? If so, why?

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