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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bolt vs. Bolton - A Sprinter vs. A Warmonger

This is Usain Bolt

Usain St Leo Bolt is a retired Jamaican sprinter and world record holder in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4 × 100 metres relay. His reign as Olympic Games champion in all of these events spans three Olympics. Due to his achievements and dominance in sprint competition, he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time.Wikipedia

This is Insane Bolton

John Bolton is not a sprinter. He is a distance runner with a very long track record of leading America into war as an advisor to right-wing presidents.

These are his accomplishments and plans to take us into yet another war:
One of the most bloodthirsty members of a gang of war-mongering neo-conservatives (almost all, like him, having no military experience themselves), who ran foreign policy and launched wars of aggression during the Bush/Cheney administration, Bolton is a man who for years has been pushing for an imperial US policy to combat domestic economic decline. According this numbskull notion, Washington should attempt to maintain US primacy in the world affairs through force of arms, picking fights, starting wars, overthrowing governments a playing existentially risky games of chicken with nuclear powers like Russia and China. He and the wacko ideology known as neoconservatism, have returned with Bolton as a National Security Advisor, in this case to advise a president who thinks nuclear weapons are meant to be used.
Bolton actively conspired during his tenure as the Bush administration’s policymaker on Iran from 2002 through 2004 to establish the political conditions necessary for the administration to carry out military action. 
More than anyone else inside or outside the Trump administration, Bolton has already influenced Trump to tear up the Iran nuclear deal. Bolton parlayed his connection with the primary financier behind both Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump himself—the militantly Zionist casino magnate Sheldon Adelson—to get Trump’s ear last October, just as the president was preparing to announce his policy on the Iran nuclear agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). He spoke with Trump by phone from Las Vegas after meeting with Adelson
It was Bolton who persuaded Trump to commit to specific language pledging to pull out of the JCPOA if Congress and America’s European allies did not go along with demands for major changes that were clearly calculated to ensure the deal would fall apart.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cleaning Up Trump's Twitter Vomit

Donald Trump tweets distractions designed to allow him to control the political narrative. If people stopped reacting to them as if they came from someone who cared about the country, he would lose the ability to do that.

His actions both before and since his inauguration clearly show that the only thing Trump cares about is Donald J. Trump.

Rather than responding with logic to each and every deceptive tweet, I believe the following response would be not only appropriate but also effective in thwarting his self-centered agenda:

"Once again, Donald Trump has vomited on America. There is no need to discuss the content of his latest tweet. Doing so only helps to spread the lies and deceptions on which he and his base feed."

Saturday, May 4, 2019

If - The Key Word In William Barr's Duplicity

Several years ago two Mormon missionaries attempted to convince me of the truth of their religion by first making a hypothetical statement and then treating it as unassailable fact. The following is the essence of their argument:

One day Joseph Smith was standing in a grove of trees when two men appeared to him, and one said, "This is my beloved son. Hear him."
If that happened, who do you suppose those two men were?
Now since God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith…
I am not suggesting that those Mormon missionaries were deliberately using this deception. In fact, I am convinced that they believed they were were telling the truth.

William Barr, on the other hand, is an accomplished liar who knows precisely what he is doing with the words he uses.

In his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 1, 2019, Barr demonstrated his ability to do the Mormon missionary shuffle to create a false defense for Donald Trump and undermine the Mueller Report when he said the following:
If the president is being falsely accused, which the evidence now suggests that the accusations against him were false, and (if) he knew they were false, and (if) he felt that this investigation was unfair, propelled by his political opponents, and was hampering his ability to govern, that is not a corrupt motive for replacing an independent counsel. 
...The evidence is now that the president was falsely accused of colluding with the Russians and accused of being treasonous. ...Two years of his administration have been dominated by allegations that have now been proven false.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Americans Silent As The GOP Commits Crimes Against Humanity

16-year-old unaccompanied migrant boy dies in U.S. custody
The unidentified boy died after days in intensive care at a children's hospital in Texas.

"Dear Leader" and his GOP enablers commit crimes against humanity as Americans sit in front of their TVs waiting for someone with authority to tell them what they should believe.

Over thirty years of brainwashing by right-wing talk radio bigots, FOX "News" celebrities, hypocritical religious leaders, and the complicit GOP has convinced them that they can't think for themselves or believe what's in plain sight.
You may read this and say, "God help us!" But that's the very placebo Americans have swallowed along with the right-wing Kool-Aid.

In a nation that claims to have a government of, by, and for the people, THE PEOPLE need to make "God helps those who help themselves" their mantra, get off their asses, and take responsibility for running their country. It's not rocket science for folks to figure out which politicians have both promised and supported policies designed to help all Americans and which have wrapped themselves in the flag and "Christian values" while working to enrich themselves at the expense of those most in need.