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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Americans Silent As The GOP Commits Crimes Against Humanity

16-year-old unaccompanied migrant boy dies in U.S. custody
The unidentified boy died after days in intensive care at a children's hospital in Texas.

"Dear Leader" and his GOP enablers commit crimes against humanity as Americans sit in front of their TVs waiting for someone with authority to tell them what they should believe.

Over thirty years of brainwashing by right-wing talk radio bigots, FOX "News" celebrities, hypocritical religious leaders, and the complicit GOP has convinced them that they can't think for themselves or believe what's in plain sight.
You may read this and say, "God help us!" But that's the very placebo Americans have swallowed along with the right-wing Kool-Aid.

In a nation that claims to have a government of, by, and for the people, THE PEOPLE need to make "God helps those who help themselves" their mantra, get off their asses, and take responsibility for running their country. It's not rocket science for folks to figure out which politicians have both promised and supported policies designed to help all Americans and which have wrapped themselves in the flag and "Christian values" while working to enrich themselves at the expense of those most in need.

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