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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hot Water Issue

I'm pretty sure you've heard about the April 15 "Tea Bagging" parties
the right-wing is sponsoring and which FOX News has been promoting
heavily, but you may not be aware of what this story is really all
about and the field day newscasters are having with it.

For that, you need to click on and view the following links in order:

1. Read about the "Tea Bagging" protest and pay particular attention to the words on the sign the woman in the center is holding.

2. I didn't know about the alternate meaning of "Tea Bagging" until Rachel Maddow suggested that folks go to on her April 13 show.

3. Finally, watch this video clip from the April 13 edition of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." How David Schuster ever managed to deliver this commentary without totally losing it is a mystery to me.

Warning: You may want to go to the bathroom before you watch the video; otherwise, you may wet your pants laughing.

You may have to watch the video more than once to catch all of the double entendres.

I don't know how Schuster avoided getting into hot water with that one. ;-)

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