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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Spirit of Harmony and Cooperation

This is not a political rant, although it has overtones which should resonate with those who long for an end to the bitter "win at all costs" politics which have all but destroyed the notion of bi-partisanship and cooperation in America.

The downloadable audio file at the bottom of this post is a live recording of John Philip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever performed jointly by two proud, internationally acclaimed men's choruses from Ohio.

But first a bit of history:

For decades, The Southern Gateway Chorus from Cincinnati, Ohio dominated the chorus competition in the Johnny Appleseed District (JAD) of The Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). It was a rare year in which this chorus did not win the coveted district championship and from there go on to accolades, medals, even championships in the international competition of the BHS which takes place the week of July 4 each year.

In 1999, The Alliance of Greater Central Ohio was founded, and the balance of power shifted dramatically. In the ensuing ten years, The Alliance won eight of ten district championships, including a JAD record seven in a row.

As a result, the two choruses have competed fiercely, each improving its performance skills in an attempt to maintain or regain supremacy.

Despite the intensity of the rivalry, the members of both choruses know that harmony trumps rancor and that cooperation pays much larger dividends than pettiness. The directors of the two choruses routinely help, encourage, and even coach their rivals.

I am a charter member of The Alliance. I have sung in barbershop choruses and quartets since 1966, and I can assure you that sharing the stage with the men of Southern Gateway for this event was one of the most exciting and rewarding musical performances in which I have ever participated.

Click the link below to download and enjoy a 3.5 MB audio file of this uplifting performance.

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