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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Take Your Medicine

What follows is the reply I sent to a friend who voted for President Obama but who now says she's lost all trust in the government and isn't going to vote in November.


You may not be happy with what the Democrats have done in the two years they’ve been in power, but you need to remember a few things:

1. What the Democrats have managed to accomplish has been done in the face of near-100% opposition from the Republicans, who back in 2008 openly declared bringing down President Obama to be their goal.

2. Unlike the GOP, which is primarily concerned with preserving and expanding the special privileges enjoyed by the wealthy, the Democratic party is a coalition of people with diverse views. It’s primary concern is addressing the needs of the citizenry in general.

3. The monolithic, minority GOP can and does present a united front against any and all attempts to level the economic playing field for all Americans. In order to effect such legislation, the big-tent Democratic party must go the route of compromise. The Founding Fathers saw compromise as preferable to both despotism and anarchy and made it pivotal to the governmental process established in the Constitution.

4. If you don’t stick with Obama and the Democrats in November, the Republicans WILL regain control of Congress, and they WILL return our country to the very policies which turned a record surplus into a record debt and created the economic disaster the Democrats have been working to address with no support from the "Party of No” for only two years.

When your kids were sick and didn’t want to take their medicine because it tasted yucky, I’m pretty sure you made them take it anyway because you knew they wouldn’t get better without it.

Well, America is sick, and the only medicine available is coming from the one party which cares about curing the patient. That medicine may taste yucky, but it’s working.

Remember! It has to battle GOP germs which pumped poison into America’s economic system for eight years, and they will continue to work hard to give America more of the same until they are brought under control.

I strongly urge you to look beyond your specific dissatisfactions with the Democrats and avoid doing something that ends up making things worse for you, and America in general, because you are angry or upset.

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