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Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Letter to President Obama and You

I watched President Obama's Weekly Address this morning; and, logophile that I am, I found myself wishing he had used a slightly different phrase near the end.

Besides being a logophile with a penchant for editing the words of others, I am an optimist, who thinks the Submit Questions and Comments link on the White House website is more than a ploy to collect information to help the Democratic party solicit contributions.

The convergence of my editorial zeal and my optimism (some might say naiveté) resulted in the following letter, which I submitted to the President and now offer to you.
Mr. President, 
Near the end of today's Weekly Address, you said, "...that's why I'm gonna take action on my own wherever I can." 
May I suggest that changing "on my own" to "on your behalf" whenever you summarize your plan "to grow our economy from the middle out, not from the top down" via executive action. 
I'm sure you know that the arguments coming from the right are designed to attack you personally with little or no substantive objections or alternatives to what both you and a majority of Americans want for our country. It's an insidious tactic rooted in a cynical confidence that Americans harbor latent prejudices, which can be aroused with coded language and innuendo.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure that dynamic is understood by many in the middle-class. If they hear that your executive actions are being made on their behalf, rather than by one man standing alone against obstructionist Republicans, they might come to realize that it is they who are being attacked by those on the right. 
George A. Denino

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