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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Funnies 040518

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is opinionated:
o-pin-ion-at-ed |əˈpinyəˌnātid|adjectiveconceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions an arrogant and opinionated man.ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from the (rare) verb opinionate [hold the opinion (that),]from opinion .

1. Back and Forth

While interesting, this analysis of the interaction between a "self-governing" populace and the Presidents they elect ignores the role played by the Congress in which a handful of "public servants" work tirelessly to keep the political pendulum swinging in order to serve themselves in order to keep their positions of privilege and power.
Link to Source

2. Inanity Rhymes With Hannity

3. The timely humor of this comic is in tense.

4. Find the Syllogism

5. You know how much I like jokes. This, however, is no laughing matter.

6. Turd Blossom: Political Genius or Intellectual Pygmy?

Whichever you believe Rove to be, his actions are in no way indicative of a person who cares about you, me, or our country. Everything this man does is is designed to benefit Karl Rove.

7. Follow The Leader

The differences that separate humans into warring tribes are matters of form, not substance.  One need only notice who benefits whenever nurturing those differences takes precedence over building bridges between people.

8. Sometimes the differences are found within a group, not between groups. 

9. Crazy Ideas

The oligarchs in this cartoon are truly blessed. There many other religious leaders who agree with them. You can find them on FOX "News" spreading copious amounts of fiscal conservative fertilizer (AKA trickle-down economic theory) as if it were found in the Gospels.

10. More Crazy Ideas

11. IMHO

Nobody ever said there were no wrong opinions. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. However, that opinion may prove to be right or wrong depending on the validity of the facts chosen (or made up) to support it.

12. A Second Opinion

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