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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140727

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is intelligence:

in-tel-li-gence |inˈtelijəns|nounthe ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills an eminent man of great intelligence they underestimated her intelligence.• a person or being with this ability extraterrestrial intelligences.the collection of information of military or political value the chief of military intelligence [as adj. the intelligence department.• people employed in this, regarded collectively French intelligence has been able to secure numerous local informers.• information collected in this way the gathering of intelligence.• archaic information in general; news.DERIVATIVESintelligential |inˌteləˈjen ch əl| adjective ( archaic).ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin intelligentia, from intelligere ‘understand’ (see intelligent ).
This week's compilation examines intelligence from as many angles as appeared in the cartoons and comics to which I subscribe via Reading these comics may cause your IQ to go up by a statistically insignificant amount.

1. Perhaps if they had given it real intelligence...

Honey Boo Boo reruns and FOX "News" make for a well-rounded robot.

2. The Russians ignore the learning curve...

What's the fuss? They're separatists just learning the ropes. They simply wanted to see if they could separate a commercial airliner into its component parts and the passengers from their belongings.

3. The Ultimate Teaching Machine (B. F. Skinner's would be proud.)

Now switch the channel to FOX "News" or a Honey Boo Boo rerun!
Link to Source

4. Rationality vs. Religious Fervor (an evolving story of intellectual discovery)

5. Introspection is a critical ingredient of true intelligence

6. Sometimes intelligence involves knowing when to keep quiet.

See rule #1.

7. Intelligence also involves understanding the nuances of language.

Note: The persecuting attorneys are all members of Congress.

8. This young man appears to like a lack of intelligence.

9. A Long Time Ago, in an IQ Test Far Far, Away...

Use the farce to pass the quiz!

10. Early learning is critical to intellectual development.

If these children grow up, they'll understand the wisdom behind this teaching method.

11. Curiosity is also vital. It must be fed.

Perhaps this approach will convince the folks in Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas, and other states with botched executions to elect more intelligent leaders, but I doubt it.
Link to Source

12. Optional Intelligence

In the end, intelligence boils down to consciously trying to make good choices with whatever amount of intelligence you have.

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