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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140713

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is revision:

re-vi-sion |riˈvi zh ən|nounthe action of revising the plan needs drastic revision.• a revised edition or form of something.DERIVATIVESrevisionar|-ˌnerē| adjective

This week we'll examine how revision helps us maintain the myth of permanence in the face of ever-changing reality. We'll also take a peek at what happens when reality refuses to conform to myth.

1. When Things Go From Bad to Worse

Bill Cosby had a routine in which he discussed the folly of saying, "Things can't get worse." He ended the routine with the admonition, "Never tempt worse."
Link to Source

2. The Good Old Days

Selective memory plays a big role in revisionist history.

3. The Advantage of Corporate Immunity

The Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby decision may have gutted the concept of corporate immunity. Here are two must-read links:
How Hobby Lobby Undermined The Very Idea of a Corporation
Did the Supreme Court Rip The Corporate Veil? Does It Even Care?

4. Justifying Real, Red-Blooded 'Merican Christian Love (WWRR-B'MJD?)

5. Staying the Course

6. Parental Guidance

7. Family Values

8. Immigration Policy

9. The Arts

10. Cable "News"

11. Aging

12. Confronting Evil

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