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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150308

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is interpretation:

in-ter-pre-ta-tion |inˌtərpriˈtā sh ən|
the action of explaining the meaning of something : the interpretation of data.
an explanation or way of explaining : this action is open to a number of interpretations.
a stylistic representation of a creative work or dramatic role : two differing interpretations, both bearing the distinctive hallmarks of each writer's perspective.

interpretational |- sh ənl| adjective

ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French interpretation or Latin interpretatio(n-), from the verb interpretari (see interpret ).

* * *
Each of today's offerings contains an interpretation of sorts. You are entitled to your opinion about the selections and comments no matter how inaccurate, biased, and stupid it may be. Oh, and I apologize if I offended you.

1. Her poetic license may be revoked.

2. Cursors! Foiled again!

3. The Sum Of All Human Knowledge

If Google represents the sum of all human knowledge, I'm afraid human existence may be a zero sum game.

4. How Interpretation Frames An Issue

5. Recognizing and Rejecting an Asinine Interpretation of Facts

6. One Way To Look At Success

7. So you won't get duped the next time an elected official apologizes...

For those unfortunates who do not follow the 9 Chickweed Lane comic strip, this week's story line has involved supplying apologies for Americans who need them. 

8. Literal Interpretation And Visualization

9. Interpreting Holy Writ

10. News Medium Rare?

If you don't know who Ed Murrow was and what he did in the 1950s, you should apologize for being ignorant of a significant event in American history. Ignorance of that event may also explain why many Americans think that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly are legitimate news reporters instead of what they really are - foot soldiers in the right-wing propaganda army.
Link to Source

11. Interpreting What's On The Menu - Food For Thought

Let's see if I understand this one. There's no ham in a hamburger, but there is cheese in a cheeseburger. Therefore, eating a cheeseburger instead of a hamburger means one is not eating ham, which would violate the pledge to give up meat for lent.
Makes perfect scents. I wonder if vegans would buy that line of reasoning. Pass the catshit and mouse turd.
Link to Source

12. An Honest Interpretation

I think Rat's comments in this Pearls Before Swine strip perfectly capture how I feel about much of what friends share on Facebook, and I'm quite certain those feelings are reciprocated.

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