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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150315 Ignorance & Apathy

News Reporter: According to a recent study, ignorance and apathy are the major causes of America's problems.
Viewer 1: What's "ignorance and apathy"?
Viewer 2: I don't know, and I don't care.

* * *

Ignorance: Now that the Supreme Court has told us that corporations are people, it's important for Americans to recognize and embrace the new reality:

  • Consumerism is patriotism.
  • There is nothing else we need to know.
  • The sooner our children learn this, the sooner the conservative dream for America will become reality, and everything else will fall into place.

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As we work with Congress in the coming year to chart a new course in Iraq and strengthen our military to meet the challenges of the 21st century, we must also work together to achieve important goals for the American people here at home. This work begins with keeping our economy growing. … And I encourage you all to go shopping more.

–George W. Bush, Dec. 2006  
Apathy:  Many Americans aren't even remotely interested in hearing about the problems facing our nation, but they are willing to lift a finger to address them...their middle finger.

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With ignorance and apathy leading the way, America is preparing to enter The Golden Age of Conservatism where:

1. The police will be able to do their jobs without outside interference.

2. Elections will run much more smoothly.

3. Troublemakers will not be able to find a forum to spread dissent.

4. People will not have to think about complex issues, or even simple ones.

Big Brother will tell you everything you need to know to live a full, risk-free life. But it will be up to you to remember that the coffee is hot, so don't put it between your legs as you drive away from the McDonalds pick-up window.

5. Second Amendment rights will continue to justify paranoia.

6. For-profit Truth Institutions will replace our public schools, tax-supported, of course.

7. Common Core will be replaced by No Common Sense. Texas will lead the way.

8. Because consumerism is now patriotism, some things will stay the same.

Disclaimer: I am a Mac geek. 
Although the cartoon refers to the approaching April 24 release date for the Apple Watch, a simple modification to the text, and it can be used whenever Microsoft releases its next version of Windows or another lame imitation of an Apple product.

9. Prejudice, injustice, and inequality will once again be swept safely under the carpet.

10. Politicians will get away with denying they said things that are on the record.

Oh, wait! They already do.
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11. Right-wing apologists will continue to sidetrack efforts to effect change.

Of course police lives matter. All lives matter. This cartoon expresses the obvious. It also suggests, however subtly, that perhaps more than the Ferguson shooter thought otherwise. To anyone who would project the motives of one misguided individual onto an entire group, I call bullshit.
The person who used a peaceful protest as a cover for shooting police officers is a coward. It is important to understand that. It is equally important to recognize that one cowardly act does not negate the legitimacy of protests against systematic racial injustice or the need for their continuance until justice becomes color-blind everywhere in America.

12. With ignorance and apathy leading the way, America life will revert to how it was in the good old days.

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