Sunday Funnies 150405
The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is hysterical inaccuracy:
1. The folks at the Creation Museum would disagree.
2. It looks like Mom blew it this time.
3. The snow globes add a touch of déjà vu, don't you think?
4. Let's see the politicians of the future deny that global warming.
5. And they keep voting against their own best interests.
6. Do you remember The Jailhouse Rock?
7. Ideological Incarceration
8. Render unto Caesar...
By exposing the true nature of "Christian" Conservatism, the Indiana freedom of religion fiasco may ultimately prove to be beneficial. Of course that depends on whether American voters are willing to allow truth to penetrate the walls erected to preserve ideological purity.

9. But Indiana Republicans are working hard to protect voters from this threat.
10. Testing 1, 2, 3. Testing... (from the Garbage In; Garbage Out Department)
11. Secretary of State, John Kerry, Plays The Trump Card
Works for me!
I'm in favor of any agreement that thwarts the efforts of those who want apocalyptic politics to drive national policy. They do so in order to hasten the return of Jesus and thereby justify a reactionary, narrow-minded, and thoroughly ignorant, literal interpretation of the Bible.
People who understand the meaning of metaphor know that, like the parables ascribed to Jesus, the entire Bible tells stories designed to teach lessons to help people live, and live more abundantly.
Advocates of apocalyptic politics, in contrast, pervert those stories to enact policies designed to bring death to millions. In fact, they work to hasten the end of the world as we know it.
Whatever your religious or non-religious beliefs may be, think about this on this Easter Sunday, a holiday which celebrates the continuation of life in the face of death.
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