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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150419 & 150426

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is procrestinate:

pro-cras-ti-nate |prəˈkrastəˌnāt; prō-|
verb [ intrans. ]
delay or postpone action; put off doing something : it won't be this price for long, so don't procrastinate.

procrastination |prəˌkrastəˈnā sh ən; prō-| noun
procrastinator |-ˌnātər| noun
procrastinatory |-nəˌtôrē| adjective

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin procrastinat- ‘deferred until tomorrow,’ from the verb procrastinare, from pro- ‘forward’ + crastinus ‘belonging to tomorrow’ (from cras ‘tomorrow’ ).

I kept putting off compiling the April 19 edition of Sunday Funnies until it was too late, so this week's edition includes a double dip of the comics and cartoons that tickled my funny bone.

1. Seniority

2. Tax Day Finale

3. Whatever

4. Exercising Restraint

5. Conservative, Belief-Based Science

In the happy world of conservative certainty, there's neither room nor need for theories or experiments. Everything anyone needs to know can be culled from what they've been taught to believe to be true by their leaders.

6. The New Populisn

7. A Perfectly Logicl Conslusion à la Conservative, Belief-Based Science

8. E - I - E - Uh-Oh

9. It takes guts to publish a cartoon like this.

10. Never give a forum to the self righteous? I guess the '16 GOP convention is off.

11. Pass the Popcorn!

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12. Break out the lawn mower!

13. Dogbert borrows a page from the GOP campaign handbook...

14. and he knows a thing or two about the ignorant masses.

15. Dogbert borrows a page from John McCain's 2008 campaign playbook.

16. Meanwhile, back on the real campaign trail...

Everyone knows that Dogbert is a fictional character. What folks may not realize, however, is that as candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul are also fictional characters. They are actors reading scripts written by political strategists and designed to convince the ignorant masses that they are really just like you. They're not, of course, but it makes for a better story. 
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17. Much Ado About Nothing - literally, since there is no lead in a lead pencil.

18. Just Because!

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