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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150524

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is...

But who's counting?
There are only 258 more shopping days until Christmas, but who's counting?
You've made that mistake eight times now. But who's counting?
I've been looking for a job for six months now, but who's counting?

1. Let me count the ways...

I think I may be living inside that book.

2. Points Given and Well-Taken

Jason out-Foxed himself.

3. Let me count the lies and the liars. many are there in the GOP clown car now?

4. There can be only one!

Q: How do you get three oboists to play in tune?
A: Shoot two of them.

5. Counting the minutes.

When a pizza thinks outside the box...

6. Is he a chiseler or a con artist?

I guess the answer depends on what he's holding behind his back, but I think he's both.

7. Let me count the days. 

Dogs are no good at math.

8. No-Account Accounting

Well, at least he's honest.

9. Checking the Balance Sheet Left and Right

President Obama has been using the same approach, and it drives the ideologues crazy.

10. Off-The-Wall Comment

By my count, Sally's way too young to be looking for a date.
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11. Counting on Deception

It smells like the bishop may be trying to pull the wool over the Pope's eyes without using any wool.

12. Counting on Ignorance

Coming to a political campaign in your neighborhood soon!

13. Let me count the years.

...and the torch passes from one generation to the next...with interest.

14. Let me count the wives.

Half full? Half empty? or Half-cracked?

15. Counting the Bars - A Mountaintop Experience

Can you hear me now? Good! Now, hang up and get back to real life.
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16. Even Higher Mathematics

People say "ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two" but the "and" is superfluous. I wonder how many more minutes of silence there would be in a year if folks simply said, "ten thousand one, ten thousand two, etc."
But who's counting?

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