es-cap-ism |iˈskāpˌizəm|
the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, esp. by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
escapist noun & adjective
1. Escape Plan A - Not-So-Foolproof
a not-so-foolproof escape plan
2. Escape Plan B - Trade-Off Edition
3. Television Dishes Up A Smorgasbord Of Escapism
4. The Trunk Line - A Handy Way To Escape the Threat of Honest Elections
The inescapable conclusion: If you're not one of "us" you can't get there from here (or from anywhere else if we win enough rigged elections).
5. Escape Into Fantasy - An Affair of the Unbalanced
Note to FOX viewers: It's impossible to escape into fantasy if you're already there.
6. Absurdity - A Means of Escape From Bullshit Politics and Politicians
It's a sad commentary on American politics when fake, Bad Reporter headlines don't sound any crazier than the real headlines reporting on the comments and positions of the GOP presidential wannabes.
7. Online Escapism
Unlike Ned, I find escape in the upper left-hand corner of my keyboard.
8. The Old Escape Clause
Commit this to memory now so you can use it when you're old. If you're already old, you most likely already use it, or you don't remember to use it.
9. For some there is no escape.
Off-the-wall comment: Her genetically encoded, round-trip GPS is programmed as follows: leave home; make deposit; return.
10. Reverse Escape Route (designed to remove those from whom one wishes to escape)
Don't think about how much you enjoy these Sunday Funnies.
11. The magnitude of this problem completely escapes...
12. Wayne LaPierre.
Of course ol' Wayne is a one-trick-pony whose livelihood depends on his continued ability to sell the idea that guns are more important than lives.
13. Final Comment Of A Successful Escapist
To learn the details of this person's demise, see item 10 above.