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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150802

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is Party!

1. Caddy? I believe that's your driver, sir.

2. Uninvited Guests

3. Pity Party

Why do they need advice when they're so "right"?

4. Follow the Leader (AKA Monkey See; Monkey Do)

5. Pin the Tail on the Elephant

6. FOX Hunting (AKA Race to the Bottom)

7. Charades

8. Surprise!

9. Party Line

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10. Party Decorator

He's not so hot at spreading Christian love, but he's quite adept with a brush loaded with tar. Nevertheless, folks say he's a man of the cloth.
Man of the cloth? My Aunt Fanny! A sheet with a hood would be more in keeping with what he and his fellow presidential wannabees stand for.
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11. Party Unity (AKA The War Party)

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