Save for a few instances when both the FOX "News" Personalities and the other candidates attempted to eviscerate The Donald, the focus of the evening consisted of ten GOP presidential wannabes pandering to the 25% of the electorate that lives and feeds at the bottom of the human gene pool.
The candidates were compelled do this because they cannot win their party's nomination without support from these bottom feeders.
In addition, so many of the policies and positions which the Republican party stands for are unpopular with a majority of Americans, that their only hope of being elected is first to pander and secure the support of this segment of the electorate and then turn to double-talk, half-truths, and outright lies designed to dupe and win over enough of the remaining 75% of American voters into believing they didn't mean what they told the first group.
When speaking to "the base" they'll continue to offer the same simplistic, hate-and-fear-mongering diatribes we heard last evening; but, in speeches to general audiences, they'll tone down the red-meat rhetoric and pretend they care about issues their party has systematically opposed and people it has ignored since the Dixiecrats rebranded themselves as Tea Party Republicans and bullied their way into the driver's seat atop the elephant.
Of course, the candidates also have at their disposal the the George W. Bush ploy of speaking only to well-vetted, hand-picked audiences and falsely presenting them as a cross-section of the American population.
It might work, but as long as this is the GOP's plan for winning the White House, I'm confident that America will enjoy a long succession of presidents, who, unlike the pathetic pretenders we heard from last night, are qualified to deal with the complex issues that come with the job, and all of them will be Democrats.
So, despite the stories you've been hearing about who won last night's FOX Fiasco, the real winners were America and the Democratic Party.
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