garbage in, garbage out (abbr.: GIGO) used to express the idea that in computing and other spheres, incorrect or poor quality input will always produce faulty output.
1. Oscar Nomination Refusal?
Let's start off with a trashy pun and slide down the garbage heap from there.
2. Garbage Man
Look who's at the top of the heap. I guess cream isn't the only thing that rises to the top.
3. Garbage Reportage (Use your poetic license. Say gar-bahge and make it rhyme.)
The medium is the message. –Marshall McLuhan
4. Waste Not Want Not (Mostly Want Not)
Speaking of poetry, T. S. Eliot foreshadowed the vapid policies offered by the current crop of GOP presidential wannabes decades ago in The Hollow Men.
5. One Man's Trash...
Now for a bit of comic relief from a growing concern...
6. Six Of One; A Half Dozen Of The Other - A Carton Of Rotten Eggs?
ni-dus |ˈnīdəs|
noun ( pl. -di |-ˌdī| or -duses )
a place in which something is formed or deposited; a site of origin.
• Medicine a place in which bacteria have multiplied or may multiply; a focus of infection.
ORIGIN early 18th cent. (in the medical sense [focus of infection] ): from Latin, literally ‘nest.’
thim-ble-rig |ˈθimbəlˌrig|
another term for shell game .
thimblerigger nounORIGIN early 19th cent.: from thimble + rig 2 in the sense [trick, dodge.]
Speaking of thimblerigging, Brooke McEldowney knows quite a bit about the subject. Notice how he attached an advertisement to his cartoon.
7. The Garbage Over People (GOP) Healthcare Plan
Buz would have had better coverage under Obamacare, but he drank the right-wing Kool-Aid and signed up for a GOP-approved plan designed to maximize corporate profit.
8. Unholy Crap
This is not a rant about the usual, right-wing, politico-religious garbage served up by Fox "News." I honestly don't know what possessed me to include it.
9. Trolling For Treasure In The Political Garbage Dump...And Finding It
This week Wiley Miller's Non Sequitur comic strip ran the GOP presidential wannabes through a virtual garbage disposal. I call that poetic justice.
10. The Commander in Chief and the Chief Garbage Recycler
Link to Source
11. Trickle-down Garbage Scow
12. Landfill Expert
13. Garbage In; Garbage Out Peters Out
Until next week...
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