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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170604 Might As Well Laugh

The Sunday Funnies theme of the week is might as well laugh.

These comics and cartoons made me laugh, sometimes in mirth and sometimes in recognition of the artist's ability to comically unmask or portray a cultural absurdity.

1. Homophonic Humor

2. Clique or Tweet

3. Thinking Inside the Box

4. Thank you, sir. May I have another?

5. Marketing Strategy for Trump's White House

6. The Beaten Path to the Bouncy Toilet (Democrats Enter the Void)

7. From the Outside Looking In...

8. Basic Training

9. The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

10. Il Dunce & Il Duce (An Alternative History Lesson)

11. Stop In For A Spell

People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe.
–Hillary Clinton

12. From the Inside Looking Out...

13. #covfefe (might as well laugh)

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