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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday Funnies 170611 Speaking Truth to Power

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is conditional proof (If A, then B).
conditional proof is a proof that takes the form of asserting a conditional, and proving that the antecedent of the conditional necessarily leads to the consequent.
The assumed antecedent of a conditional proof is called the conditional proof assumption (CPA). Thus, the goal of a conditional proof is to demonstrate that if the CPA were truethen the desired conclusion necessarily follows. The validity of a conditional proof does not require that the CPA be actually trueonly that if it were true it would lead to the consequent.
A Bee-utiful Example

Today's comics are presented in pairs which create conditional proofs.

If they make you laugh, cry, or think,
then I have accomplished my objective.

Let us begin.

1. Political Acumen

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If the American electorate chose Donald Trump because of his intellect and expertise in governance,

then America is in need of a cure for stupidity.

2. Leadership

If Donald Trump's "America First" agenda separates us from the rest of the world,

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then America will indeed be first. It will  be the first country to go from super power to failed state in fewer than four years.

3. Second Amendment Rights

If you understand the stated position of the NRA leadership vis-á-vis assault and other military weapons,

then you know that the NRA leadership consists of a collection of clowns…malicious, dangerous clowns.

4. Virtual Reality

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If you're looking for a similarly "more realistic" virtual reality experience,

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then you need look no further than at the actions of the man with orange hair, and a total lack of compassion or empathy.

5. Impeachment Prospect - June 7, 2017

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If you think the Republican-controlled Congress is going to impeach the Narcissist-In-Chief,

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then you haven't been paying attention.

6. Commitment

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If you know the significance of this comic,

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then you know a hell of a lot more about history, courage, and patriotism than the current occupant of the White House.

7. The New New Deal

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If this is an accurate description of how Trump operates (and it is),

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then Ben Carson.

8. Carved In Stone

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If the god fundamentalist "christians" worship brokered this deal,

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then the unshakable loyalty of Trump supporters makes perfect sense.

9. "In a very short period of time…" –Donald J. Trump

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If this is true,

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then we're screwed.

10. Impeachment Prospect - June 8, 2017

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If James Comey's testimony under oath is accurate,

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then we may be approaching the end of an error.

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