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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Specter of Change

With Arlen Specter switching parties, it has become quite clear that Karl Rove's dream of a permanent GOP majority is disappearing faster than the polar ice caps. Claims that Specter was a turncoat who was purged from the GOP for the sake of party purity suggest a debacle-in-the-making for the Republican party.

Comparing the meltdown of the GOP's electoral prowess, built up over three decades, with the visible effects of global warming on eons-old polar ice seems apropos. Both threaten turmoil; yet both continue apace to the accompaniment of a steady stream of denials of their very existence emanating from the The Party of No.

If the GOPs tack to the rabid-right fringe of the political spectrum (AKA its "base") continues, it won't be long before the remnant of Rove's aspirations will most closely resemble a lone, recalcitrant, soot-covered snowball in Hell.

Let the carping begin.

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