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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rebranding the Right

For more than thirty years, the radical right has hoodwinked Americans into voting against their own best interests through a coordinated and well-financed strategy which used hate and fear mongering ads to make wedge issues dominate elections.

This tactic has been quite effective in eliminating both reasoned discourse and logical thinking from political debate, replacing them with vacuous, emotional appeals and outright lies carefully wrapped in the flag or couched in the guise of religious "truth" - often both.

It was the method chosen by "born-again" George W. Bush to lie us into war by claiming simultaneously that Iraq had ties to Al Qaeda and that God had put him in office to protect America.

Now, Roger Simon of POLITICO reports that, despite the written objection of their Chairman Michael Steele, the RNC is mounting a campaign to rebrand the Democratic Party as the Democrat Socialist Party.

In light of this initiative and the fact that the GOP is rapidly turning into a southern regional party, I offer the Democrats a fair and balanced rejoinder to the RNC's stratagem in the form of an updated logo and motto for the once-proud Party of Lincoln.

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