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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sen. Inhofe's 700 Club

Q: When is a scientist not a scientist (or one with no expertise in climate science)?

A: When you find his or her name on the list of 700 "prominent scientists" used by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) to reject bona fide scientific evidence of global warming.

File this one under: "You may be entitled to your opinion, Sen. Inhofe, but you are not entitled to make up your own facts or to use a bogus list of "experts" to force your religious beliefs on others."

Click either the link or the image below to read INHOFE'S 'EXPERTS' by Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly:

In a related story, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will not attend tonight's White House Correspondents Dinner. "First Dude" Todd Palin will take her place at the event so that the governor, who also denies the existence of global warming, can "visit parts of Alaska that have been struggling with the most serious flooding in decades."

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