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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Recipe for Disaster

Choosing ideological purity over intellectual honesty is a recipe for disaster. The ingredients are hate and fear-mongering. It is always half-baked, and it always produces a toxic brew unfit for human consumption.

Nevertheless, this is the recipe which the leaders of Republican party appear to have dog-eared in their political cookbook.

Rather than work with Democrats to craft meaningful legislation which would help Americans and strengthen America, Boehner, McConnell, and the rest have cast their lot with the 20% of Americans who appear to be intellectually incapable of self-critical evaluation.

Manipulated by the words of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin they claim absolute knowledge and ownership of scientific, religious, and political truth. They would prefer see the country torn asunder rather than to have Barack Obama and the Democratic party succeed in their attempts to change the status quo.

That 20% tail is currently wagging the elephant, and the Republican leadership has embraced its hate-mongering rhetoric in the cynical hope that American failure will lead to electoral success in 2010.

Well, the joke is on them. It is the GOP and not America which is coming apart at the seams.

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