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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Impure Thoughts, A Comparison

Blur your eyes, and make your computer display wiggle. We're climbing into the WABAC Machine and going back to 1976 to revisit Jimmy Carter's "Playboy" interview...
I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times....
Blur them again, and we're back in 2012...

This time it's Grover Norquist commenting on Republican members of Congress who are thinking about the possibility of perhaps...maybe...there's a chance they might consder...


Draw your own conclusions, of course; but I've been saying for years that making money is the true religion of members of the self-righteous right.
* * *
Note: The WABAC Machine from The Bullwinkle Show is the perfect device to explore and evaluate the "BULL-winkle" emanating from the mouths of Grover Norquist and other Republicans working to undermine the efforts of President Obama.

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