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Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today's post will give you a bit of insight into the workings of a mind that's numb from four years of political posturing, whining, duplicity, and outright lying by those who wanted to delegitimize the 2008 election of Barack Obama as President of The United States of America and deny him a second term. 

I found the May 17, 2012 Tom Toles cartoon shown below among unfinished drafts I had saved for future development, and I thought today was the perfect time to share it now that the so-called "fiscal cliff" is once again on the horizon.

However, I had a problem. I couldn't decide on a title.

For me, a title must set the tone for and also hint at the content which follows. Since I didn't see the need to write a rehash of the fiscal cliff debate, the cartoon itself would be the content.

But what title would work best for a six-month-old cartoon depicting a zombified John Boehner emerging from the grave and resurrecting an argument most folks thought had been buried?

I considered and rejected all of these:

Fiscal Cliffhanger, A Grave Matter
Back To The Future...Again and Again
The Dark Place Where John Boehner Keeps His Head
Bipartisanship-Dead On Arrival
A brain! I need a brain.
Debt Ceiling Déjà Vu
It Was A Dark And Stormy Night

Nothing clicked, so I decided to make today's post interactive. Using a riff on the "entitlement" aspersion Boehner and his pals will undoubtedly cast as the debate proceeds, I called the post "Un-titlement?" and am giving those who read my blog a chance to offer suggestions.

If you have a better title, or if you really like one of my rejects, use the comment link at the bottom of the post. If it says "No comments:" you will be the first.

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