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Friday, November 2, 2012

Political Overload?

I know you're sick and tired of political commentary. So am I. But being sick and tired is not a valid excuse for abandoning your responsibility as an American citizen to become informed before you make your choice.

Becoming informed involves ignoring the rhetoric of the unending stream of political ads with which you have been and will continue to be bombarded. Instead you must examine the character of the two candidates as demonstrated by both their actions and policy positions.

• Which has offered policy details and taken specific actions to demonstrate his position, and which has offered only promises?

• Which has submitted to interviews by the media, and which has refused all such interviews even when the potential interviewer has publicly supported him?

• Which has released his financial records, and which has refused to do so?

• Which has put himself and his credibility on the line by taking steps to help the country that, while necessary, could cost him votes, and which has tap-danced around any and every issue and position he has ever held to the point where it's impossible to tell what he actually stands for?

Do your homework. Think. Vote!

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