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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140928

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is food for thought:

food for thought something that warrants serious consideration.
A Note, A Disclaimer, and  A Musical Interlude for readers with Nordic heritage:
  1. You may think of this week's collection as a dietary supplement for your brain.
  2. Most supplements should be avoided, and usually people should not eat micronutrients except people with clearly shown deficiency.[4] Those people should first consult a doctor.[5] An exception is vitamin D, which is recommended in Nordic countries[6]due to weak sunlight. (source: Wikipedia)
  3. (Aquarius) Let The Sunshine In –The Fifth Dimension (from the musical, Hair)

1. The Case for Illiteracy
Here's a new argument Texas governor, Rick Perry, and his right-wing allies can use to justify their Ignorance is Better than Inconvenient Scientific Facts education policy.

2. Forbidden Fruit

3. Dietary Choice #1

This is the opposite of the serious dieter's two-handed push away from the dinner table.

4. Cereal Killer

5. Rover Discovers that the GOP's Strategy Handbook is Really a Cookbook

6. An Honest Mistake

It was unfortunate for Herb that the zebras didn't have a better command of the English language. The "H" is silent, and so is Herb.
I'll be generous and give the cartoonist a pass for his breach of English pronunciation protocol, but only because it's a sight gag of a different stripe.

7. Dietary Choice #2

Hey, I'll drink to that! Then again, maybe I won't.

8. Peanut Allergy

This cartoon is a little nuts, but anaphylactic shock is nothing to sneeze at.

9. A Non-Menu Entree

I've heard they sometimes come free of charge with coffee in the morning.

10. Michigan Giacomo

Cartoon aficionados will understand and appreciate the title. For those who don't, I offer this alternate: The Hunger Games in Id.

11. When Visions of Sugarplums Aren't Enough

No matter how your heart is grieving;
If you keep on believing,
The dream that you wish will come true. (lyrics from Disney's Cinderella)

12. He's Biden His Time

Vice President Joe Biden is known for his verbal gaffes. Last week, however, he had a very bad week, even for him. You can read about it by clicking here.
Bonus: Here's a link to a top 10 list of Biden gaffes.  
The Last Bite: Biden's gaffes are epic, and he would be the first to laugh along with us at them. In contrast, there is absolutely nothing humorous or humane in the lying, self-righteous, war-mongering offerings of his immediate predecessor.
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