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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funnies 141005

The Sunday Funnies word of the week is vision:
vi-sion |ˈvi zh ən|nounthe faculty or state of being able to see she had defective vision.• the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom the organization had lost its vision and direction.• mental image of what the future will or could be like a socialist vision of society.• the images seen on a television experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as asupernatural apparition the idea came to him in a vision.• (often visions) a vivid mental imageesp. a fanciful one of the future he had visions of becoming the Elton John of his time.• a person or sight of unusual beauty.verb [ trans. rareimagine.DERIVATIVESvisional |- zh ənl| adjectivevisionless adjectiveORIGIN Middle English (denoting a supernatural apparition): via Old French fromLatin visio(n-), from videre to see.’

Well, will you look at that!

1. Circumspect Vision

2. Television

3. Déjà Vu

4. Making a Spectacle of Himself

5. Clairvoyance

#1 Past

6. Now You See It; Now You Don't

7. Trichromatic Trouble

FYI: Cats are trichromatic, but since they rely more on night vision to hunt, their retinas have a much lower proportion of cones to rods than those of humans.

8. Impaired Vision

Perhaps if they took off those dark glasses...

9. In the Eyes of the Beholder

You may have to think twice about this one. I did a double take when I finally got it.

10. Foresight

11. 20/20 Hindsight

#1 Regret
#2 Denial
Two words from the history of the Bush administration's case for invading Iraq are all one needs to bring into focus the bald-faced hypocrisy of the GOP's latest attack on President Obama, slam dunk.
#3 Doggone Good Assessment
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#4 A Digital Ending for the 02/20 Hindsight Section
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12. A Total Lack of Vision

That's what I call an ironic sight gag!

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