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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014 (Election Edition)

Tricks and More Tricks

When it comes to electoral politics, there are few if any treats for the general electorate. However, there's plenty of treasure for well-funded candidates who win and afterward legislative compsnsation for those who bought them.

In the scramble for votes, politicians wear costumes designed to hide both their true identities and agendas. The collection of cartoons below takes the side of the besieged and beleaguered voter, who will hand out the coveted treats next Tuesday.

1. Fear-Mongering

Vote for me, or else!

2. Zombie Attack

Raising A Dead Issue

3. Masques of the Red Dearth

Unmasking The Poe Selection Of GOP Presidential Hopefuls

4. Backstabbing

Looking Out For Number One By Avoiding Number One

5. The Jaded Electorate

Ho-Hum...No News Is Good News At FOX

6. Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

7. Party Unity at Last

The 2014 Jackass Parade

8. Brains! Brains!

Zombies Like Them; American Voters Lack Them

Link to Source

9. A No-Brainer

Texas - zombie-free due to the lack of a food supply

10. Voter Fraud

Hey, Folks, this IS the voter fraud!

11. Addressing the Issues

Thanks to Citizens United, 1% can constitute a majority.

12. A Bit of Gallows Humor to Leave You Hanging Until Tuesday

Meanwhile, In the Swing States...

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