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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150614

The Sunday Funnies words of the week are pointed and pointless...and so are the comics and cartoons.

1. By Hook Or By Crook

In this case, I'm pretty sure they're one and the same.

2. Point And Counterpointless

In their quest for an education, Sally and her friends can always hope for a tornado to carry them to Oz where they can ask the Wizard for help. 
But wait! They already have a fraud running things right there in Kansas.

3. Unless I'm mistaken, this one has three points.

You'll have to triangulate to locate the points made by these tan gents.

4. Point Of View

Don't tip him. He may fall over, and then you'd be liable for damages.

5. Grammar Bullet Points

  • He did not trade it for his bike.
  • He got it in a trade for his bike.
  • He traded his bike for it.

6. Pointing Out The Obvious

7. What's the point?

With #5 already in the mix, how could I not include this one?

8. Papal Percentage Points

Why send stooges with so many Bible-thumping, Republican Congressmen ready and willing to go to Rome to tell Pope Francis how he should run the Catholic Church?

9. Point of Inquiry

It's an in-body experience.
Link to Source

10. No Point

#5 and #7 made me do it. Hey! I'm a retired English teacher who loves puns. What do you expect?

11. Needles to say...

See what I mean about loving puns, especially the sharp ones pregnant with meaning and occurring in story lines about amniocentesis.

12. A Sticking Point

Included to test your powers of visual pun perception...

13. Vanishing Point

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