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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150620

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is religious freedom:

By religious freedom, I mean that I have taken the liberty to collect, comment upon, and disseminate comics and cartoons which somehow link the secular to the least they do in my mind.

To set the proper mood, I offer this Reynolds Unwrapped comic from September 18, 2011.

1. Give me an opening...

Devotion to the Sunday Funnies phrase of the week justifies the inclusion of this comic. Besides, most churches have one.

2. Kidding Around

Except ye be converted, and become as little children...

3. Prodigiously Prodigal

Agnes is one of my favorites. She's innocent, yet inquisitive, and she cuts right through crapola whether it be religious or profane.

4. Resurrection

Can you dig it?

5. Immortality

He's exercising his right to hasten his last rites.

6. Holey Paper

Let's keep going. We're on a roll.

7. Vatican I say? It's an infallible move.

Even though I love puns and wordplay, this cartoon begs for forgiveness.

8. An Old Riddle

Q: What happens if you don't pay the exorcist?
A: You get repossessed.

9. A Rockin' Requiem

Q: What did she want them to say about her at her funeral?
A: Look! She's moving.

10. Divinely Bovine

Have you herd the one about the dyslexic sacred cow? Well, you have now.
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11. Afterlife #1: The hell you say!

Depending on where he ends up in the afterlife, Arizona's dry heat might be overkill.

12. Afterlife #2: A Monumental Undertaking

Can you hear me now?

13. Sin-sational Student

A perfect seven for seven!

14. Meanwhile, Above Ground In The Real World...

The Republican presidential hopefuls are all saying the attack at Emmanuel AME Church was an attack on Christianity and not racially motivated. That's probably because they recognize the elephant in the room to be the racism they have been nurturing ever since the Dixiecrats switched parties. Besides, they're very fond of elephants, especially those they can use to divide the electorate. 

15. Higher Learning seen from the top of a slippery slope.
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I'll end this week's piously impious collection as it began, with a Reynolds Unwrapped comic. This one is from September 21, 2011.

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