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Friday, June 5, 2015

There Can Be Only One - A Fundamental Flaw

Fundamentalists of all religious persuasions see themselves as the hero in a real-life version of Highlander. That's why expecting them to cooperate with people whose views differ from those dictated by their narrow-minded belief system is an exercise in futility.

This poses a problem for people capable of critical thinking. What is the proper response when confronted with the inbred, circular-referenced, nonsense that fundamentalists spew as "proof" of their ridiculous positions on just about any subject?

Laugh at them. Laugh loud and hard, slap your thigh, and point your finger as if you were at a circus watching the the clowns do pratfalls.

Humor is the only effective response to fundamentalist rants. Mocking their beliefs and behavior is unlikely to change the minds of fundamentalists, but pointing out the idiocy they advocate might prevent others from swallowing their swill.

Wiley Miller understands this. That's why I love his Non Sequitur comic strip.

I call this one

A Religious Fundamentalist's Idea of Heaven

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And I call this one

Variation on a theme

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