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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150705 - Better Late Than Never

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is It's as simple as that...or not.

1. The Simple Truth, but with the following caveat...

For over six years the person in the highest office in the land has been doing the right thing and working very hard at unifying the American people. For his efforts, the jackals on the rabid-right have worked extra hard to re-divide the nation because it's the only way they can get elected.

2. Simply Delicious

3. Work Simply Defined

4. ...Or Not

5. And Jefferson wept.

6. It simply can't get any clearer than that...

7. ...or this.

8. Simple Patriotism

9. Task Simplification

10. Simple Is As Simple Does

11. It's Not Going To Be Simple

Link to Source

12. Simple Arithmetic

13. Knot At All Simple

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