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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Funnies 150719

The Sunday Funnies phrase of the week is off the wall:

off the wall informal 1 eccentric or unconventional. 2 (of a person) angry : the president was off the wall about the article. 3 (of an accusation) without basis or foundation.

1. Meanwhile in Munchkin Land...

2. Frontier Teacher Certification

3. You Bet Jurassic He's Hungry!

4. Hell of a Final Exam

5. Summit Semantics

6. The Diploma Mill Graduate

7. Rhinoplastic Rhetoric

8. From Life's Do-It-Yourself User's Manual

9. I believe she was hoping for a podia-tryst.

10. The Family Values Cop-out - a behind the scenes look

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