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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Education & Science Denial

This video not only explains what science is and how it works; it also shows what science deniers do not understand about science. More precisely, it examines the facts about science they dismiss as false.

The subject is evolution, but the dynamics of the interaction between the student and the teacher would apply equally to a lesson on climate change.

It is important to recognize that the student asks an honest question based on what she has been told about evolution, most likely by well-meaning adults who deny scientific facts that don't fit into their ideological and/or religious belief system.

It is just as important to recognize how the teacher responds to the student's question. He does not point out or condemn her ignorance. Instead, he provides accurate, verifiable data which she can examine and evaluate with her own mind.

He puts the student in charge of her own education. It is she who must decide whether to believe a conclusion derived from evidence which she can see, touch, and examine herself or believe an explanation that someone else has told her she must accept on faith.

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